The Adventure Center is our new headquarters for team building and leadership programs. It is operated by our partner organization Adventure Leadership Foundation a 501c3 non-profit.
Team Adventure does the planning and working with groups while ALF manages and develops the site. During warm summer months the outdoor low element challenge course is running on the 10 acre property. During the winter and in inclement weather we are able to move indoors and work on our portable team challenges with our clients. There is lots of room to eat and full restrooms too.
Adventure Leadership Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting individual and group develop through adventure.
So if you are part of a youth oriented organization like the scouts, church youth group, or sports team let us know and we can help you get funding to pay for all or part of our program through ALF.
If you feel what ALF is doing for our community is worthwhile will you consider making a donation? You can find an easy link to online giving on the Adventure Leadership Foundation’s Website. Click on the link to the right.
Directions To
The Adventure Center
From the village of Liverpool, NY drive north on Tulip Street which becomes Morgan Rd. In 5 miles turn Right on Wetzel Road. In a half mile you will turn left into the New Life Liverpool Church parking lot at 4617 Wetzel Road. Enter by the main doors on the right side of the building unless you are a bus. Buses have a separate entrance on the other side of the building because of low clearance.